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 姓名: 张娜娜 国籍: 中国 目前所在地: 广州 民族: 汉族 户口所在地: 广州 身材: 168 cm 55 kg 婚姻状况: 未婚 年龄: 20 岁 培训认证: 诚信徽... - 09-20
个人简历表( www.wpjlr.com) - 09-20
新的一年,又到了招聘的时候,公司需要增加新鲜血液,我在人事部面对如山样的简历大叫恐怖。在办公室里翻了无数份201x年毕业的大学生求职简历,竟然没有发现一份... - 09-20
20**年应届生个人简历样板 ( www.wpjlr.com) - 09-20
姓名 林XX 性别 女民族 汉 籍贯 广东年龄 21 身高 168cm学历 大专 健康状况 良好毕业院校 中山外贸职业技术学院专业商务英语联系电话 1371556电子邮件#16... - 09-20
个人简历个人信息: 应聘职位:自动化工程师主修科目: 技能特长:获奖情况:社会实践:经验总结:在实习中接触到很多仪器仪表的使... - 09-20
 一、Address(通信地址),英语通信地址的写法与汉语迥然不同,汉语是从大到小,英语是从小到大,如:88 Gaodi Lane, Beijing Road, Guangzhou(广州市北京路高... - 12-10
 ■Dunphy & Reilly,Inc.Senior Internal AuditorConducted operational and financial audits of manufacturingsubsidiaries.Designed and implemented audit ... - 12-10
 要求薪水常用语 ■My salary requirement is in the $100,000-$120,000range with appropriate benefits.I would be willingto relocate for the right oppor... - 12-10
A Useful Glossary for Educational Background(教育程度常用词汇) education 学历    educational history 学历  educational background 教育程度  cu... - 12-10
Position Desired:HR Manager Name: Sex: Male/Female Date of birth:June2,1975 Address: * Marital Status:Single/Married Post Code: 100001 Height: 1.70M W... - 12-10
for more specialized work 为更专门的工作 for prospects of promotion 为晋升的前途  for higher responsibility 为更高层次的工作  for wider experience... - 12-10
业余爱好  hobbies 业余爱好 play the guitar 弹吉他  reading 阅读 play chess 下棋  play 话剧 long distance running 长跑  play bridge 打桥牌 collect... - 12-10
A Useful Glossary for Work Experience(工作经历常用词汇) work experience 工作经历   occupational history 工作经历 professional history 职业经历 ... - 12-10
A Useful Glossary for Personal Data(个人资料常用词汇) name 姓名 in. 英寸 pen name 笔名 ft. 英尺 alias 别名 street 街 Mr. 先生 road 路 Miss 小姐 ... - 12-10
自传是每个人的历史和成长过程中的传略。对入党积极分子来说,自传是将自己的历史和思想、学习、工作经历向党组织汇报的一种书面形式,是党组织全面地、历史地、... - 12-10
able 有才干的,能干的  adaptable 适应性强的   active 主动的,活跃的  aggressive 有进取心的  ambitious 有雄心壮志的  amiable 和蔼可亲的  amicab... - 12-10
Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is ***, 24. I come from **,the capital of ***Province. ... - 12-10
考研英语面试中,在自我介绍完了老师就会开始问你问题这里列出一些常见的问题,可以认真准备。注意在准备的过程中,要结合自己的经历和见解来准备答案,让自己回... - 12-10
Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is Wangzhaokuan, twenty-five years old. I come from Xin... - 12-10
有很多学校的面试可能要求提供英文简历,准备一份精美的英文简历是很有必要的。  RESUME  Personal Information:  Name: Date of Birth: July 12, 19... - 12-10
如果你是一位刚刚走出校门的毕业生,那你面临很可能是和你有着相似的学历但却更富工作经验的竞争对手。如果没有足够多与欲申请的工作相关的经验,你应该更着重强... - 12-10
 pesonel statement(introduction) good morning,my dear teachers,my dear professors.i am very glad to be here for your interview.my name is song yongh... - 12-10
Sandy Lin 15/F,TOWER2 ,BRIGHT CHINA,BUILDING1,BEIJING.    SKILLS:    Typing 65 wpm.  Strong knowledge of general accounting procedures.  Abilit... - 12-10
pesonel statement(introduction) good morning,my dear teachers,my dear professors.i am very glad to be here for your interview.my name is song yonghao... - 12-10
good morning, my name is jack, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, an... - 12-10
Room 212 Building 343 Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084(010) 62771234 Email:good@tsinghua.edu.com  Zheng Yan  Objective To obtain a challenging... - 12-10
 1. Applicant(A): Excuse me. My name is Amy Lin.I have an appointment with Mr.John Zhu at ten.Would you mind announcing me?  求职者(求):对不起... - 12-10
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