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护士长的作用:Role of Head Nurse

03-01 19:42:24| http://www.wpjlr.com |医学英语|人气:701

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Teacher:The head nurse‘s role is one of clinical leadership and continuous responsibility for the over all management of patjent care. To make primary nursing work, the head nurse has to turn all decision-making work for patients to the staff nurses.

  Student:What are the head nurse‘s duty then?


  T:First the head nurse allocates the different patients to different nurses after their admission. On every day shift the head nurse allocates the patients whose primary nurse is off duty to different associate nurses. She has to decide which nurse shall care for which patient. Experience as well as education must be taken into account while considering a nurse‘s level of expertise in caring for various patients thus to maintain a high standdard of nursing.


  S:How does a head nurse support the primary nurse?


  T:The head nurse is the validator of decisions made by her staff. She is a teacher, a resource person and the quality control supervisor for the whole unit.


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