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英文歌曲:Sad Movies

03-01 20:05:24| http://www.wpjlr.com |英文歌曲|人气:664

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Sad movies
always make me cry.

He said he had to work
so I went to the show alone

They turned down the light
and turned the projector on
and just as the news of the world started to begin

I saw my darling and my best friends walk in
Though I was sitting there
they didn‘t see
And so they sit right in front of me

And when he kissed her lips
I almost died
And in the middle of the color cartoon
I started to cry

Oh, Sad Movies always make me cry

So I got up and slowly walked on home
and Mama saw the tears and said what‘s wrong
And so to keep from telling her a lie

I just said Sad Movies make me cry.

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