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No Breakfast, No Good(不吃早餐不好)

01-13 14:23:42| http://www.wpjlr.com |高中英语作文|人气:555

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                             No Breakfast, No Good
     Now a lot of students go to school in a hurry so that they have no time to have breakfast. But not having breakfast will do harm to their health and their study.
     Having no breakfast will throw the normal work of our digestive system into confusion. As a result, it will do harm to our health. And at our age it is high time for us to grow up. So our bodies are in great need of energy. If we don't have breakfast,there will be not enough energy to supply. This may stunt our growth.
     What's more, it is a long period between breakfast and lunch. Breakfast provides us with the energy needed for the class. Without breakfast we cannot get along well with our classes. So for the sake of our health and our study, we must have breakfast.


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