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今日事今日毕 我们从小就接受“今日事今日毕”的教育。然而许多人还是喜欢把今天的事情推迟到明天去做。他们没有计划安排他们的工作和时间,结果,他们最终... - 01-13
有必要进行空间探索吗 人类对外部空间着迷已有上千年的历史了。从人类第一次登上月球起至今已有40多年了。现在,有些人认为空间探索完全是浪费时间和金钱。... - 01-13
关于兴建造纸厂 一家英国公司想在我市建一个造纸厂,但是,关于这个问题,众说纷纭。一些人同意建这个造纸厂。如果建了工厂,将会有许多新工作提供给当地人... - 01-13
不要让集卡影响你的学习 现在我们学校的许多学生疯狂收集三国群英卡。一个同学得到一张后,就会跟他的朋友们共同分享。由于沉迷于此,一些 同学已经改变了很... - 01-13
传统教育方式 你的老师还在用传统方法授课吗?现在教育方式的改革需要进行。过去,老师把他所有的知识教给学生,并帮学生解决他们所有的难题,这似乎是理所当... - 01-13
第二课堂之我见 最近我们学校为了开阔学生们的视野和知识面,提出开展第二课堂。虽然许多同学对其作用表示怀疑,但是我认为我们会获益于第二课堂,这一点毋... - 01-13
渴望不考试 我有很多愿望,但我最渴望的就是不要考试。 我们总是被告知考试的目的是为了检测我们学到了什么,但是我不这么认为。考试不是最好的方式,特别... - 01-13
国外学习的利与弊 近年来,我们国家掀起一股出国学习的热潮,越来越多的中学生愿意通过中介到国外学习。到国外学习有利还是有弊呢?我认为,有有利的一面。到... - 01-13
邮票 当我们寄信或寄贺卡时,我们必须在信封或贺卡上贴邮票。人们什么时候开始使用邮票的呢?谁是第一个想到这个主意的人呢?下面是一些相关信息。 十九世纪... - 01-13
海豚 大海里住着许多智力发达、身体强健的动物,海豚就是其中之一。它反应灵敏、动作迅速,让那些研究它们行为的人们深感震惊。海豚拥有一些与其它海洋生物... - 01-13
校园春色 春天终于来了。万物复苏,树木变绿,花儿开放。操场上,田野里,马路边,到处都长着青春的小草。 春天也来到了我们的学校。请来瞧一瞧,教学楼后... - 01-13
一场大雨 那是6月初的一天早上,我乘汽车去郊区的学校上课,学校四周是稻田和鱼塘。天空是灰色的,在遥远的东方地平线上有阴云在慢慢汇聚。我心想:“要下大... - 01-13
秦皇岛 暑假到了,我们全家决定去秦皇岛游览几天。 旅游的第一天,我们爬上了西凤山。这座山濒临大海,从山顶望去,景色美得让人难以想象:小城全貌尽收眼... - 01-13
第一场雪 第一场雪不仅是一件大事,而且是充满魔力的大事。入睡时世界是一个样子,醒来时发现你在一个完全不同世界里,假如不是魔法的作用,又能到哪儿找到... - 01-13
吸入抽烟者所吐出的烟是件很不舒服的事。这一点我很清楚,因为我爸爸烟抽得很凶。当我们同处一个房间时,他吐出的烟充满了我的肺,也呛得我两眼流泪。 如果可... - 01-13
twenty-five hundred years ago life in china was very hard. most of the people were hopelessly poor. into these times one of china’s great leaders... - 01-13
until very recently it was possible to use only natural materials of various kinds for the making of clothing. both plants and animals supply thes... - 01-13
saw a big tent with many flags flying around it and a big sign in front giving the performance times and fees. this was the first circus i heard ... - 01-13
i think smiling is as important as sunshine. smiling is like sunshine because it can make people happy and have a good day. if you aren't happy, y... - 01-13
this summer, i had some special days. i joined dongzhou international educational exchange summer camp. first, i will tell you about our foreign ... - 01-13
when i got home, i was very surprised to find my mother reading my diary. i was too angry to say a word. my eyes were swimming in tears. as soon ... - 01-13
it rained heavily in the evening. but father was still at work. i didn't think he brought an umbrella when he went out this morning. so i decided ... - 01-13
nowadays there are still many children abused in school. to some teachers, the only way to punish some students is to beat them. some students hav... - 01-13
of all the colors, i love blue best. blue is the color of sky and sea. when the sky is blue, we will feel happy to have a nice day. blue is also r... - 01-13
when i hear the song my heart will go on, i always think of the great ship "titanic". she was the biggest and finest of all the ships at that time... - 01-13
last week, our monitor told us a piece of news about xu zhen, a student in class 5. grade 1 in suzhou high school. xu zhen is an unlucky girl. sh... - 01-13
most green plants can make their own food. to do this, they also need sunlight, air, and water. but a mushroom is a plant that cannot make its ow... - 01-13
a man passed by a coconut tree. a monkey in the tree threw a coconut to his head. the man touch his swell and ache head, then he picked up the co... - 01-13
we see with our eyes. if we have poor eyesight, it will be difficult to see everything clearly. so it's important to take good care of our eyes. i... - 01-13
we have lived in lida school for more than one year. i enjoy all the time here because it can bring me a lot of things such as feelings, knowledge... - 01-13