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关于学生周末补习(On students to study on the weekends

03-13 02:29:04| http://www.wpjlr.com |优秀作文|人气:806

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  recently, there was a discussion we have had about whether it is necessary for senior three students to study on the weekends.

  there exist three different views. thirty percent of the students think going on with study on the weedends can make the most of hte limited time. after all, there will be an important exam held for the university in june. so seconds count in the limited time. but thirty percent of them don't think so.

  they gope to have a good rest on the weekends. then they can have a high efficiency to study with the fullest energy. besids, forty percent of them think it is best for them to study one day and the other day to have a rest. then they can deal with the study and the rest better.

  in my opinion, i agree to the third view very much, for we can study most and relax ourselves at the same time.

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