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03-01 18:12:51| http://www.wpjlr.com |外贸英语|人气:827



  原译文:Our company exports industrial products, chemicals, medicines and etc..

  注:etc.等于and so on或and others,已含有and的成分,上述译文无需加上and一词。应译为:Our company exports industrial products, chemicals, medicines, etc..


  原译文:We hereby entrust your company to be our business agent in Mauritius.

  注:entrust一词在作委托解时用法为entrust somebody with something or entrust something to somebody。应译为:

  We hereby appoint your company to be our business agent in Mauritius.


  原译文:Any of the two parties can not divulge the contents of the contract to a third party after the conclusion of the contract.

  注:双方中任何一方为either of the two parties,三方(或三方以上)中任何一方才用any of the parties,因本句为否定句,应译为:Neither of the two parties can divulge the contents of the contract to a third party after the conclusion of the contract.


  原译文:After this agreement is signed by the two parties, all parties shall strictly abide by it.

  注:与上一条相类似,在协议当事方为三方(或三方以上)时,各方为all parties,而当事方为两方时应用both parties。应译为:

  After this agreement is signed by the two parties, both parties shall strictly abide by it.

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