Dear Mr. Smith,
As a graduate student of Zhejiang university. I already studied four years in this unversityincluding four years studying Chemistry Department. I also worked six months in Lafarge Roofing Systems China as a « Project Assistant ». The CEO appreciated my analytic and synthesis skills. He gave me his confidence to represent Lafarge and prospect the Zhejiang Development Zones to find the best location to build a new factory.
I have an intermediate level in English (speaking and writing).I am gaining proficiency as a good negotiator in my daily and working life.Now that all my classes are finished, I am back in China in order to stay here at least a few years.
I am available as soon as required, and I will be glad to give you more
details about my experiences, my motivation, and my skills. I thank you in advance for your interest.
Yours faithfully,
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