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爱心无价(Love is invaluable)

01-13 14:30:15| http://www.wpjlr.com |中考英语作文|人气:566

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  last week, our monitor told us a piece of news about xu zhen, a student in class 5. grade 1 in suzhou high school.

  xu zhen is an unlucky girl. she has been ill since the end of 2005. but, her family don't have enough money to send her to hospital. we all feel very sad after hearing it.

  then everyone in our class donated for xu zhen before long. all of us wanted to try our best to help her. we all hope she will be out of trouble soon.

  i've learnt a lot from this. life is invaluable and we should treasure our lives. however, love is even more invaluable. love is important to everyone. and love can make the world more beautiful and warmer.

  if the world is full of love, it will be nicer.

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