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体罚解决不了问题(Physical Punishment Cant Work)

01-13 14:30:20| http://www.wpjlr.com |中考英语作文|人气:821

本站除了体罚解决不了问题(Physical Punishment Cant Work)这篇外,还有更多关于中考英语作文,中考英语作文范文,初三中考英语作文的资料哦,

  nowadays there are still many children abused in school. to some teachers, the only way to punish some students is to beat them. some students have even become disabled because of that. the worst' of all is that their souls have been hurt deeply, which might never be cured in their whole life. the same thing happens in many families. i want to ask those teachers and parents, can such kind of "education" have any effects?



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