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如何使社会稳定-How to Ensure Social Stability

01-13 14:36:48| http://www.wpjlr.com |大学英语作文|人气:450

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In recent years, there is a free economic environment in our country. Many people devote all their efforts to their careers and gain much achievement. Of course working hard plays an important role in their success, but their success also benefits from the stable social environ ment. Stable society enables people to live in peace, and provides them with chances.
How to ensure social stability? Actually it isn't difficult if we abide by the law consciously. So, first, we should strengthen legal education, and enhance the quality of our people. Then they'll realize the necessity to keep a stable social environment. Secondly we should limit the number of floating people. These people may be an instability factor, because they have no permanent dwelling and fixed jobs. In the end, we should try to perfect our legal system.
If we can realize the above, I think we can definitely enjoy social stability. In fact, stability and development are related. Stability is the guarantee of development. So let's value our present social stability and try our best to consolidate it, then we can live more happily and our country will develop more rapidly.

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