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Wild animals have no place in the 21st c.

01-13 14:37:00| http://www.wpjlr.com |大学英语作文|人气:603

本站除了Wild animals have no place in the 21st c.这篇外,还有更多关于大学英语作文,大学英语作文范文,大学英语作文网,大学英语作文大全,大学英语作文模板的资料哦, Human is the creature which is the closest to God. It means we have more duties and rights for this world. Biological diversity have been damaged by the developing of modern society, which have threatened to the life of animals as well as the life of human. The extinction of animal is an alarm to human beings.

With the process of human civilization, our life become more and more comfortable and convenience, it may be a good news to man but a bad news to animals. Exhaust gases are emitted to the atmosphere, which react with each other and combine with water vapor ,and finally lead to form acid rain. Acid rain fall into lake and kill the frogs and the fishes. Time will tell you, although the recent acid rain may not directly harm to us, we would not escape from the doom if we ignore the alarm from animals. We are a part of the food chain. Most of the human’s diets come from animals, which means the dangers that are threatened not only the animals but also the human. Several serious diseases from animals have brought us into the hell in the beginning of the new century. For example SARS, the horrible disease has killed thousands of people which was attributed to eating the ill wild animals.

As the end of the food chain, we should spend money on preventing wild animals which is a confession from the evil consequence. I believe no one would neglect the alarm from animals if he recognized it, no one would be of parsimony with the money if it is used in preventing himself. Development of society and preventing animals are our right and duty which also need us to balance.

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