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Helen Keller

01-13 14:40:59| http://www.wpjlr.com |大学英语作文|人气:689

本站除了Helen Keller这篇外,还有更多关于大学英语作文,大学英语作文范文,大学英语作文网,大学英语作文大全,大学英语作文模板的资料哦,       How would I gather up the courage to keep on living if I were doomed to spend my life in the completely soundless darkness? Helen Keller, a distinguished American author, gave this question a perfect answer by writing her glamorous legend that won her profound respect and great admiration throughout the world. Despite the physical handicaps, she lived her life to the full instead of crying, "Jesus, life is unfair!" Apparently, destiny worked no magic on her.  Then where did she derive the strength to overcome the seemingly unconquerable difficulties while the able bodied often feel lost in despair when they are frustrated?
     A calamitous disaster deprived Keller of many things we take for granted. She was totally cut off from the visible world and yearned for only three days to see. Though it seemed to be the wildest dream beyond fulfillment, she did see what we, born with sight, fail to see. Her love of life brought her bright eyes and sharp ears to appreciate the grandest beauty of nature and the sweetest whispers of the breeze. She took pleasure in every second. She lived with a heart filled with gratitude willing to digout the hidden truth of life. Entitled to sight and hearing, we usually abuse the faculties rather than cherish them as a precious gift. With that, we've missed the essence of life that lies around us in simple forms.
     Keller's striking optimism might be her secret of success,but what made her achieve the impossible is that she lived where as we exist. People hardly recognize the value of something till it's lost. What if we were to lose our sight the next moment?

简  评
    作者语言功底雄厚,用词精练地道,表达恰如其分,宛如行云流水,最后的点题如画龙点睛,几乎无可挑剔:“Keller's striking optimism might be her secret Of success,but what made her achieve the impossible is that she lived whereas weexist.”全文犹如一块无瑕的美玉,让人爱不释手。从文章背后,不知读者是否能看到作者那颗玲珑剔透的心?
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